Monday, June 10, 2013

When Music Touches My Heart - 1 - A Friend So Kind

As you can tell, this is a new series. I know, I know, what happened to all the other series? Well, I'm still working on those, and need to set some dates for interviews for Theology and Culture. So it has not been forgotten!

Until then though, you can enjoy this series. It's basically me posting lyrics to a song I like, and writing my heart out. It's to inspire my readers, or to be a comfort, or to teach a moral lesson, or many other things. I hope you benefit from it.

Today's song is from a band called The Choir. It's called A Friend So Kind, from the album Burning Like the Midnight Son.

Sometimes you've gotta laugh
Even when it hurts
Better still with somebody brushing off the dirt
Who knows we're all ridiculous
Yet somehow sublime
He celebrates the journey
And tells you to climb
He tells you to climb

There is no mountain of virtue
Higher to ascend
No quality
More divine
Than to be a friend
Ah to be a friend
So kind

When you feel ashamed
And ugly inside
You need someone who cares
With whom you dare confide
To stare into your dark soul
To see hope and light
And tell you, "You're glorious
I know you'll be all right
You're beautiful, I love you

I know you'll be all right"

There is no mountain of virtue
Higher to ascend
No quality
More divine
Than to be a friend
Ah to be a friend
So kind

So now you've gone away
In a sudden gust of wind
And we're sadder than hell
'Cause we miss you, dear friend
Still it's good to know your great heart
Is glad and restored
Forever smokin' fine cigars at the table of the Lord
At the table of the Lord

There is no mountain of virtue
Higher to ascend
No quality
More divine
Than to be a friend
Ah to be a friend
So kind

I got the privilege yesterday to see some old friends, whom I hadn't seen in over 5 years. I'll tell you what, a lot happens in 5 years! It was an awesome experience, talking about everything we could, singing and playing music, and talking about God.

These are the friends that I dare confide in. These are the friends I know will be there for me. These are the friends I trust with my very life. There are few feelings better than that.

1 comment:

The Blah Blog said...

By the way, in case you're confused with the line "smoking fine cigars at the table of the Lord", keep in mind that this song was written in the 80s. People back then thought that smoking was good for you. =D