Sunday, April 7, 2013

Siblings and Camping

            My brothers and I went camping in the backyard last night. Lots of fun! We played Crazy 8s, I played my guitar, (Noah made sure that I played the Transformers theme song for him!) and then went to sleep to the barking dogs in the yard next to us. Okay, that last part wasn’t very fun, but besides that, we had a blast!
            When you camp, you have to go in knowing that there is one thing you have to do before you leave the camp-site: pack the tent back up. If you’ve been camping before, then you most probably had an expression of pain as you read that. It’s not fun.
            So this morning I packed up the tent rods, the tent pegs, and then the tent itself. That took a good long 30 minutes to get it in the bag, and then actually zip up the bag. I wrestled and wrestled that bag till it couldn’t breathe and finally got it all zipped up and packed. Actually, I have to admit, I really do enjoy wrestling the tent bag.
            After finishing that all up, I sat on that bag for a bit. Then who should show up but my three year old sister. Upon walking up, she grabbed the bag’s handle and said “We’ll do it together.”
            “Okay,” I said.
            “You get that handle, I’ll get this one.”
            I complied.
            We both carried the bag into the house - together. Ya, I was the one actually doing the lifting, but she wanted to help her big brother. How cool is that? My sister wanted to help me! No, she wasn’t lifting at all, but she had the satisfaction of bringing that heavy bag into the house with me. If you ask me, that’s one of the coolest things a brother could ask for. It’s a cherishing moment for me.


Unknown said...

That's awesome! I envy you your little sister.

The Blah Blog said...

She's pretty a pretty cool sister!