Friday, November 28, 2014

Slender: The Arrival, Part 2 - The Investigation Begins

(PLEASE NOTE: If you need to see an image more clearly, you can click on an image, and it will enlarge it. There should be arrows on the bottom so you can look through all the photos in the post)

Lauren makes it to Kate's house, not a soul to be seen. Upon entering, the sky darkens. You notice... drawings, on the walls inside.

NOTE: My screen brightness was turned up more than it should be. This helps in letting you guys see what I see.

It was dark... very dark. As I walked through the rooms, I squinted to make out shapes in the darkness.
I give this game points... because... chess!
I love when games add little details like this!
I came upon a lit room, the kitchen, and found a flashlight. (Note, the flashlight may/may not be found in the kitchen. It is randomized.)

Now that I had the flashlight, I searched around the rooms, seeing what I could find. I found letters from C.R., and I think letters from me to Kate, trying to help her with her paranoia... in any case, the notes and such I found all led to evidence that poor Kate was starting to freak out. I finally decided to brave the upstairs area. There were some... interesting pictures.

I'm not sure WHAT exactly to make of this one...

I thought this picture was pretty cool... Kate was obviously into Sci-Fi!
I searched around upstairs, finding a locked door. I eventually found the key and opened the door. What I saw was... frightening.

Notice the Transformer Tower drawn above the words... I noticed one on my way to Kate's house.

I collected a piece of scribbled paper off the desk, which was followed by a horrendous scream.

If you're wondering why there's green and purple highlights, it's because I took this snapshot during the hidden glitch level. I'll explain that in a later post.

The scream could only have come from Kate, and my objective had changed. I now had to investigate who and where exactly the scream came from. The piece of paper was my first clue. The broken window being my second. That meant one thing.

It was off to the woods for me.

Oh joy.

Stay tuned for my next episode: Into the Woods!

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