Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Hole of Romantic Doubt

There is a slight moment in time, when I start to to think,
that all of this could end in a blink.
And even through love divine, my confidence shrinks.
and I start looking through the armor for chinks.
I fall down ever so hard, into that gaping dark hole,
and I freeze from the sheer everlasting cold.
I walk on the glass shards, my feet blacken from coal,
and I realize that it was my confidence I stole.
And then I look to the sky, at the top of the pit,
and you're standing there with your face lit.
I start to cry, on the dirt where I sit,
and then you smile at me and walk away from all of it.
You don't know that I doubt, I never tell you I do.
As far as you know I'm still up there with you.
And I want to shout, or give you some clue,
so that at the very least you knew.
Then I remember your face, and that wonderful glow,
and that's when it seems that I just know,
That I don't have to be in this place, I don't have to be so low,
and then something in my heart just seems to grow.
I leap from below, landing on the surface gracefully,
and you grab my hand so magically.
I know it's no show, because you sigh so deeply,
and I know that Always and Forever, I'm yours completely.

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