Friday, October 8, 2010

I'm a Homeschooler (part two)

All right, finally! Part two! This time I'll be talking about what I do in school (at home).

Things have changed up a lot since my homeschooling post, including my schedule.

The subjects I have are:

  1. Math
  2. Writing
  3. Reading
  4. Vocabulary
  5. History
  6. Science

But before I do school, I do Devotions, and Bible. For Devotions, I read a book called, Stand Fast by Douglas Bonds, one of my favorite authors, who also wrote the Crown and Covenant series. I read twenty minutes a day, and when I get to the end of a chapter, I pretty much write everything at the end. The resolves, the answers to questions, scripture memory verse, ect. ect. With Bible, I read a chapter, then write down what it talked about and/or what I learned from it. Alright, now lets talk about my schoolwork.

For math, I do a curriculum called Math You See, and the way it's set up, their are thirty lessons each book, and six parts each lesson. The first three parts (A.-C.) are lesson practice. The next three (D.-F.) are systematic reviews, that way I'm still practicing stuff I've already learnt. Usually, I do A., B., and D. Depending on how many I get wrong, I have to do C. and/or D. as well.

Writing I do every other week. It's one of my longest subjects. Right now, I'm working on a paper about my brother Tucker. I have to write two sentences at least for: eyes, expressions, height and weight, pitch of voice, and so on and so forth.

I do reading the weeks I don't do writing.I get to pick any book I want to, and read it for forty five minutes. It's my FAVORITE subject, and the easiest!

Vocabulary is nice because I learn new words every week. The book gives me a different variety of word problems, to help me learn my new words. Mom decided to add to my vocabulary, by making me write a story with all the vocabulary words I learned that week. These stories will be coming to my blog in the future.

That's about it, I will say one last thing though. I've decided to turn this subject into a series, so be sure to watch out for more, "I'm a Homeschooler"s in the future!

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