Saturday, June 1, 2013

Our Gifts...

Personally, I think one of the coolest things in life, is when we're doing some activity, in any way shape or form, and we look back and think, "Did I just do that? That was... amazing." The answer is simple. No. You didn't.

See, this world is full of people, Christian and non-Christian, who have so many wonderful talents, but give themselves the glory. I'm sorry, where did you get your skill? Your talent? Not you, nor anyone else. You get it all from GOD. How is it that we've missed that huge fact? This world we live in is all about me. What I can get, what I can show people, how good I am at doing such and such. NO! We should be ashamed for even thinking that! It's not about you, it's about God!

That's the revelation I've come to. I was playing my guitar to a new song I had written. I got up to put my guitar away and thought, "Wow, that wasn't me. How cool is it that God gave me those words, and those chords, and the talent to play the guitar." IT'S AWESOME! God uses us of all living organisms! Us! We're God's instruments to be salt and light in this dark and tasteless world!

If we're God's intruments of His glory, to be salt and light, then that means one thing: we are to give all glory to God. That's why he gave us our talents and gifts. To win people to him. People will look at us, and say "Wow, you do that so well! You're lucky to have such a talent at that." Our job as Christians is to look that person in the eye, smile and say, "Thanks, but it's not my talent. It's God's. He's the one who gave it to me." And that will absolutely baffle the person. Why? Because most people don't do that!

Use your gifts and talents for God. Not only that, but give God the glory. I dare you to.

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