Friday, September 6, 2013

My Summer Update! Part 1

Hello all! I'm so excited to be back here!

So I said I was taking a 'Summer Break'. Well, I started a month late, but you know, I really don't care. I'm back now so... shush. XD

This next paragraph will either turn you off and make you leave, or interest you. Whatever happens, don't let it stop you from continuing reading!

  1. Probably the biggest thing that's happened is our conversion. Our family has decided to join the Catholic church. Quite exciting, though for a lot of you who read my blog, you may find this a bit disheartening. I sympathize for you, only because I've had this happen to me. If you wish to know more details about our conversion, why we did it, please email me at and I will send you the letter we sent to everyone we could reach.
  2. As you know, I'm working on another blog, based off of legend, folklore, cryptics, and a little myth. I'm quite excited, and I have such a fun time writing it! You can watch the preview HERE, and you can visit the blog HERE. I hope you enjoy it!
  3. We've moved! We are now located in Gladewater Texas, about two hours eastward from where we were originally. I really like it here! It's a really small town too, so we can just walk up to the barber shop to get our hair cut, or if we want to eat, we can take a nice little exercise and walk over to a restaurant. We haven't made any new friends yet, but I'm sure it'll happen soon!
  4. We are not going to the Philippines. The support just didn't come the way we needed to. I believe God shut the door for a reason though, and just wanted us to take that path for a bit so we could have the experience. Besides, being Catholic now, Wycliffe wouldn't accept us!
I'll have more later, but I didn't want to make this update too long.

Until next time...
Ryan Hall ;)

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